How we work

We find records.

We love finding cool records. We’ve been buying and selling records for more than 20 years and have many long-standing supplier relationships. We have buyers who look for used records around the UK and in the US and are regularly bringing in new collections. We know how much fun rifling through a crate of records can be. We hope to recreate a little bit of that magic here by offering a high-quality catalogue of records and CDs for you to explore.

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We restore them.

We find records in all kinds of condition and we eat alot of dust so you don't have to. Once we get them back to the warehouse we give each record an initial clean on an Okki Nokki One cleaner, we replace the inner sleeve, if necessary, and lightly restore the sleeves including removal of stickers where possible. For collectibles, we clean each record ultrasonically and place the record into a new polylined inner sleeve.

Record Care

We catalogue them.

We use discogs and a number of specialist publications to catalogue our records. We take care to identify the specific release of each record and try to be clear about whether each record is an original or a reissue. Some of the sources we use are:

  • Discogs
  • Beatles for Sale on Parlophone Records
  • Manship’s Soul Vinyl Guide
  • Rare Record Price Guide
How we catalogue

We grade them.

For grading we use the Goldmine Grading Standards. We play test all records over £15 in value. Below that we might play the whole record if we’re in the mood but mostly we test only the start of both sides and any dubious areas that we can see.

Once we have a release and a grading we value the records based on live Discogs data and other publications including The Rare Record Price Guide.


We guarantee secure delivery.

We use Royal Mail and UPS to send your records. We check the records again before sending them out. We aim to send records out within one working day. Our records are packed very carefully using Lil (plastic free) corrugated cardboard mailers and a cardboard stiffener with the vinyl always separate from the outer sleeve. A new inner sleeve and clear outer plastic sleeve is provided with every record as standard.


We hope you enjoy your records! 
