Can I change or cancel my order?

You can change your mind, as long as you contact us before your order is sent out. We do check customer history before we send out orders, so please send us a message and we will make sure that your order is cancelled and refunded. If ithas already been sent, you will have to return the item to us and we can refund you then.

Can I return my order?

If you're in the UK, we offer free returns for a full refund. Please see our Returns page for the full details.

Unfortunately, we aren't currently able to offer free international returns but we'll still do everything we can to help and obviously we can offer a full refund on the product once we receive it back.

Do you ship internationally? 

Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will apply and will be added at checkout. Please see our Delivery page for the full details.

Do you have a data policy?

Yes, here is a link to our Privacy Policy which sets out the limited use we make of your data. We promise not to sell your data or any personal information to third parties. This site is powered by Shopify and they are also bound by a Privacy Policy.

If I'm buying from outside the UK do I have to pay international taxes or duties?

If you an international buying including from the EU it's very likely that you will have customs or
import taxes to pay. We would recommend checking with your local postal service for their latest information about import fees.

Can you declare a lower value so I don't have to pay as much import taxes or duties?

Er, no not really but we can declare the cost of the records which probably helps a bit!

How are your records and CDs packaged?

We take a lot of care to make sure that our fragile products travel safely. See our Shipping page
for more.

Can I ask for a discount on the listed product prices?

Unfortunately we don't provide any additional discounts. Please see the Car Boot Sale section for discounted items. We also provide Free Shipping options in the UK and Internationally which are effective discounts for larger orders. We are also going to release a Loyalty Program for customers to earn discounts as they buy. We will let you know once this has launched.

What do the gradings mean?

Please see our Grading Guide for more detail. However, each Product Page provides a grading for the record/CD and the sleeve. The record grading is first and sleeve grading second. So, a VG+/G+ grading will designate a VG+ record/CD and a G+ sleeve. The title of the product on each page and in the thumbnails gives only the record grading for economy of space.

What is the difference between VG+ and Excellent?

Good question! The condition section in each product page follows the Discogs grading norms of NM/VG+/VG/G+/G/F/P for 1) the media and 2) the sleeve. However, if a VG+ record or its sleeve is really great but not quite Near Mint we will qualify the grading as Excellent (EX) in the title and description. 

How do I know what release I am buying of a particular record or CD?

Each product page contains all the information you need including Catalogue numbers, year and country of release and a link ("Data provided by Discogs") to the product listing on Discogs for full transparency. Any doubts or queries please get in touch.

Do you test play all the records and CDs?

We test play every record or CD over £15 in value. Below that we visually check the media under bright light for any flaws and test play the beginning of both sides and any dubious areas we can see. We check records first when we catalogue them and then again before we ship them.

Are all the photos shown of the actual record or CD?

We use ACTUAL photos of each record/CD over £15 in value. For records/CDs of £15 or less (typically found in our Car Boot Sale section) we use stock photography from the Discogs release page. We also use stock photography for brand new records. We are still busy uploading photos so please be patient! If there's a particular record you are interested in let us know and we can quickly upload actual photos.

Please do get in touch if you have any other questions. Call or whatsapp 07775 995 328.