Five Reasons to love the Compact Disc

Five Reasons to love the Compact Disc

 In a world where streaming services reign supreme and vinyl is in the mainstream again, the humble CD often finds itself relegated to the dusty corners of music collections. But wait, before you dismiss these shiny discs as relics of the past, let's take a moment to appreciate them. With CD sales growing again in the UK and with the cost-of-living crisis biting for most people we’ve decided to launch our CD catalogue. Here are five reasons to fall in love (again) with this old format.

  1. Cost-Effective Tunes: Let's face it, we all love a good bargain. CDs offer a budget-friendly alternative to splurging on pricey vinyl records or digital downloads. Whether you're a broke college student or a thrifty audiophile, you can stock up on CDs without breaking the bank. With CDs you can acquire a great album generally for under a tenner!
  2. Convenience at Your Fingertips: With CDs, there's no need to interrupt the vibe to flip the record or queue up another album. You can enjoy uninterrupted tunes for hours on end, thanks to the generous storage capacity of compact discs. Plus, their slender profile makes them easy to organize and stash away.
  3. Aesthetic Pleasures in Plastic: To be honest, you’ll never get the same visual thrill with a CD as you do with vinyl. The artwork is smaller, and the whole experience less tactile. However, CDs boast their own visual appeal. From lavish box sets to meticulously curated compilations, Some CDs, especially the boxsets, are really lovely. Remastered limited-edition releases and deluxe editions offer beautifully designed album covers and glossy booklets filled with much more extensive liner notes and artwork than most vinyl releases.
  4. Sonic Prowess in Digital Form: Despite their reputation as soulless digital artifacts, CDs have their own sonic advantages – especially for certain genres. Say goodbye to the dreaded sibilance and surface noise that plague some vinyl pressings, and revel in the pristine clarity of digital sound. For genres like electronic music, where intricate layers and precise production are paramount, CDs offer a faithful reproduction of the artist's vision. So, crank up the bass and immerse yourself in a sonic landscape free from the limitations of analog technology. As a sidenote, some modern vinyl pressings are derived from digital files. As Neil Shah wrote in the Wall Street Journal; “Old LPs were cut from analog tapes--that's why they sound so high quality. But the majority of today's new and re-issued vinyl albums--around 80% or more, several experts estimate--start from digital files, even lower-quality CDs. These digital files are often loud and harsh sounding, optimized for earbuds, not living rooms. So, the new vinyl LP is sometimes inferior to what a consumer hears on a CD.” At Car Boot Soul we actively steer clear of inferior vinyl pressings derived from digital audio sources.
  5. Durability in a Disposable Age: much as we love them vinyl records are prone to scratches, warping, or just plain wear. CDs stand out for their durability. Their sturdy construction and scratch-resistant surface make them a great solution for high-quality music storage.

 Over the coming weeks we’ll be dropping hundreds of CDs in Soul, Reggae and Jazz. This week we launch our Rock CD collection including many rarities and beautiful boxsets.

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